Including FAN FICTION Tommy Vercetti's Cyberpunk Saga BY TEGEDAO

2018 släppte Netflix deras senaste sci-fi saga i form av Altered Carbon. Baserad på novellen av samma namn av Richard K.Morgan - Altered Carbon är en 'cyberpunk stort'; sience-fiction som handlar om framtiden om urbana samhällen dominerad av 'data-teknologi'. Teknologin i Altered Carbon Cyberpunk Future.
Altered Carbon utspelas år 2384 för det mesta i futuristisk metropolis känd som Bay City. Där människor på Jorden (och andra koloniserade planeter) kan ladda upp deras 'consciousness' i en så kallad 'sleeve' kropp - totaliteten av ens personlighet, minnen och förmågor är installerade i en 'cordical stack' (poker-chips-liknande) lokaliserad bak i nacken. Denna teknologi är efterlämningar av en utomjordisk ras och ger helt enkelt förmågan att undvika döden genom att överföra ditt 'mind' i en ny kropp' - ett stycke 'hardware'.
Virtual Reality i Altered Corbon är stor och fantastisk; ett medium för att lagra 'consciousness' in i virtuella miljöer - som täcker en hel Virtual Reality separerade från deras egna kroppar! Online Network Interfaces (ONI) är inlagd direkt in i kroppen; vilket ger tillgång till 'the augmented world' genom rösten, 'wristband' eller klocka genom 3D Hologram.
Världen i Altered Carbon 2384 tar ett stort steg vidare med mänskligt 'consciousness' levandes för evigt - genom att vidarekoppla våra minnen, tankar och känslor från kropp till kropp medan de slits ut - universum till universum - så vi kan leva för evigt! En teknologi som skapar ett skifte i samhället som helt och hållet förändrar allt.
Altered Caron är häftig Cyberpunk Future som finns i två säsonger på Netflix och fått övergripande höga betyg. Altered Carbon är trots all en Cyberpunk-värld påminnande om Blade Runner med dess 'neon urban glory'. Netflix Original!

Altered Carbon Trailer Season 1
Altered Carbon Trailer Season 2

Where is the voice that said altered carbon would free us from the cells of our flesh? The vision that said we would be angels.”  - Richard K. Morgan

Ett Cyberpunk universum som hämtar inspiration från 80-talet är bland det häftigaste som finns!


In the world of video gaming, few titles have captivated audiences with a portrayal of technology’s potential dark side as effectively as "Watch Dogs". Developed by Ubisoft, this action-adventure game plunges players into a near-future Chicago, where the city is controlled by a central operating system (ctOS) that connects everyone and everything. The protagonist, Aiden Pearce, a skilled hacker with a vendetta, uses this interconnectedness to his advantage, manipulating the ctOS to fight against corruption and avenge his niece's death. "Watch Dogs" not only provides thrilling gameplay but also presents a reflection on the implications of our increasingly digital society, aligning closely with cyberpunk themes and the ever-evolving world of hacking. 
Cyberpunk, a subgenre of science fiction, offers a vision of the future where technology intertwines with human life, often leading to societal upheaval. It is characterized by advanced technological and scientific achievements, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. Cyberpunk settings are typically dystopian, featuring corporate dominance, widespread cybernetics, and hackers as protagonists who resist oppressive systems.
"Watch Dogs" embodies these cyberpunk aesthetics and ideologies, presenting a world where technology is both a tool for freedom and oppression. The game’s ctOS represents the ultimate expression of surveillance capitalism, a system that commodifies personal data for control and profit, mirroring concerns in our contemporary digital society. At the core of "Watch Dogs" is hacking, serving not only as a gameplay mechanic but also as a narrative device that drives home the power and potential consequences of digital intrusions. Aiden Pearce's hacking abilities allow him to control traffic lights, access private communications, manipulate the stock market, and more, showcasing the hacker as a figure of power and resistance. This aligns with the cyberpunk ethos, where hackers are often the heroes fighting against totalitarian regimes or corporate giants.
The portrayal of hacking in "Watch Dogs" raises ethical questions about privacy, security, and the extent to which one can justify these actions. It reflects real-world debates on the power of information and the ethical considerations of digital espionage and surveillance. As hacking becomes more sophisticated, the game prompts players to consider the fine line between using technological skills for justice or personal vendetta.
As we move further into the digital age, the themes explored in "Watch Dogs" become increasingly relevant. The game’s depiction of a hyper-connected city controlled by a single operating system may not be far from our future reality, considering the rapid advancements in IoT (Internet of Things) and smart city technologies. The ethical considerations of hacking, surveillance, and data privacy continue to be hotly debated topics, making "Watch Dogs" a poignant commentary on our potential future.
The game encourages players to reflect on the consequences of our reliance on technology and the importance of safeguarding privacy and freedom in the face of increasing digital surveillance. It serves as a reminder that in a world where everything is connected, the power to control that world is immense, and with great power comes great responsibility.
In conclusion, "Watch Dogs" stands as a significant cultural artifact at the intersection of gaming, technology, and cyberpunk philosophy. It not only provides an engaging experience but also prompts critical reflection on the implications of our digital evolution. As technology continues to advance, and our world becomes more interconnected, the themes of "Watch Dogs" will remain relevant, serving as a cautionary tale of what might lie ahead in our increasingly cyberpunk future.
FAN FICTION BY TEGEDAO OF COURSE: Tommy Vercetti's Cyberpunk Saga:
In the neon-lit sprawl of Vice City, where the sea meets skyscrapers clad in holographic ads, Tommy Vercetti finds himself amidst a digital revolution. The once ruthless gangster has traded his arsenal for an array of cybernetic enhancements and a keyboard, becoming an unexpected protagonist in the cyberpunk underbelly of the city. The world has changed; it's now a place where the physical and digital realms blur, and Tommy has adapted to survive and thrive. Tommy sat in the shadowed corner of his sleek, cluttered apartment, eyes glued to a trio of screens that cast an ethereal glow across his hardened features. The streets below buzzed with the life of Vice City, a metropolis reborn in the age of technology, where AI-driven cars zipped past and drones buzzed overhead like electronic insects. Tommy, once a kingpin of the physical world, had ascended to royalty in the digital domain. His latest target: the corrupt ctOS controlling Vice City, a remnant of the now-globalized ctOS networks. Tommy’s fingers danced across the keyboard with a hacker's grace, infiltrating the city’s ctOS. "Time to level the playing field," he muttered, a smirk playing on his lips. With a few strokes, he had access to traffic systems, surveillance cameras, and personal data of the city’s elite. But Tommy wasn’t interested in petty theft or chaos; he sought justice, targeting those who exploited the system for their gain. As Tommy delved deeper, he uncovered a sinister plot. A conglomerate, masked by layers of digital shadows, was siphoning data from the citizens of Vice City, manipulating them like puppets. Their goal was absolute control, both in the digital and physical worlds. Tommy knew he had to act. He wasn’t just fighting for control or power; he was fighting for freedom. 
To take down the conglomerate, Tommy needed allies. He reached out to an underground network of hackers, each with their unique skills and personal vendettas against the system. Among them was a rogue AI, designed for urban management but gained sentience, seeking liberation from its creators. Together, they formed an unlikely team, a digital resistance ready to reclaim Vice City. The battle was waged in the cyber realm, a blitz of codes and countermeasures. Tommy and his allies infiltrated the conglomerate's stronghold, a fortress of data protected by the most advanced cybersecurity. It was a dance of intellect and willpower, each move countered by an equally cunning retort. The city watched in unaware anticipation, its fate hanging in the balance of this unseen war. In the climax of their digital duel, Tommy unleashed a virus, a masterpiece of coding that slipped through the conglomerate’s defenses, dismantling their control from the inside. As the system crumbled, the citizens of Vice City were freed from their unseen chains, oblivious to the war that had raged in the shadows. 
In the aftermath, Vice City transformed. The neon lights shone a bit brighter, and the air tasted of freedom. Tommy Vercetti, once a feared gangster, had become a guardian of the digital age, a symbol of resistance against oppression. But in the cyberpunk future of Vice City, peace is tenuous, and a hacker must always be vigilant. Tommy knew this was only the beginning. As long as the city pulsed with electricity, he would be there, watching over it from the neon shadows.